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Published: May 31, 2021

Spark Better Business

Espresso Films supplies award-winning creative, business, and technical writers to the entertainment Industry.  We have the skill sets to create and edit most documents including Espresso Films editorials, business plans, screenplay rewrites, and internet content.   Our industry contacts are vast and our reputation proceeds us.  Our writers can work remotely or at the owner’s facilities.

billy LAx

Billy LAx

I’m billy LAx! I started my career as a screenplay writer then I found the wonderful world of web development. Made a full circle back to the movie business with Espresso Films.   

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maxx tee

Maxx TEE

Hi there! I’m Maxx TEE, by night I am an aspiring actor, and this is our website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Rex, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

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Caleb Campbell

Hola! I’m Caleb Campbell, I sell my screenplays to whoever won’t buy them and make my rent working for billy LAx.  My girlfriend Emily is giving me signals.  Love her a heapin’ amount. ’bout ready to pop the question!!!

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Dedicated to Quality

Best in the Industry

Let’s grow together

Our industry contacts are vast and our reputation proceeds us.  Our writers can work remote or at the owner’s facilities.  Espresso Films analyzes the need before assigning the writer, assuring a fit that will propagate a long relationship of quality work.  Please view our posted Espresso Film editorials and find the quality of work that goes into each and every job.


Espresso Film Editorials


Business Plans


Screenplay Rewrites


Internet Content



Where did the name “Espresso Films” come from?

I have a story about the origination of “Espresso Films” that I believe needs telling.  Back in the 80s, when I was a young and up and coming screenwriter, also dabbling in Film Financing and acting and exploring many of the other avenues on how to make money in the movie industry while waiting for my screenplays to hit gold, I ran into a very interesting fellow screenwriter and aspiring film director and ex-actor, Howard Delman.

As it turned out, Howard and I became particularly good friends.  It just seemed our personalities meshed.  Being ex-Navy, I was down to earth for a filmmaker and so was Howard.  He impressed me on who in the industry he knew and what he had done so I decided to help him direct his first film.  We found a screenplay we both agreed would work and became business partners with the writer and his producer.  I would be the executive producers.  We then had a great time trolling Hollywood parties, going to meetings with want-to-be filmmakers trying to get their gigs done, creating relationships especially with actors and managers, and meeting with finance people.

In our efforts to get Howard’s film directorial debut off the planning stage and into production, Howard came up with a magnificent name for a film company that we decided to create for our new project:  Espresso Films and Coffee Company.  Wow!!! I was impressed and the name stuck with me.  His idea was to produce our film and begin our film distribution through coffee houses.  I was impressed.

For one reason or another, Howard and I were not able to bring our first film to production and it finally faded.  We lost touch in about 2000, before Facebook and other social media platforms, however, in about 2017 I reconnected to my old friend thanks to LinkedIn.  Howard went on to be a successful financier and had a deal that he was working to revitalize the failing US malls into entertainment centers.  We then revived Espresso Film and Coffee company, and I created a website in 2017.  It was just an HTML website with black and white photos of aged actors. 

It was not SEO’d and the intent was not to make money off the website but to have an online document explaining our film business intent within the mulls. We then lost a key investor and the proposition again vanished.

This year, in 2020, since we have formed a Digital Marketing company with top-rated talent, we have decided to create an online campaign for Short Film and Indie producers to distribute their films and create the almighty important “buzz.”   We call the entity “Espresso Films” and this is our website.  We also provide great film and Espresso Film editorials and we will move into other facets of the Indie industry.

Journey Of Espresso Films

The inception of our movie’s website was to initially bring quality independent Espresso film editorials to professionals within the Hollywood Entertainment Industry.  The motivation of this large and complicated film project was to enlighten our readers on the latest independent movie information and Hollywood business of putting these movies together. 

Billy LAx, our chief editor and digital marketer specializing in independent feature films created the foundation, website basis, and the all-important independent Espresso Film editorials to kick our website off.  He enlisted Zalak Patel, a top Indian UI/UX Graphic Artist as a partner to webmaster the movie site.

A plan is in place to SEO the movie site as well as to develop a series of sites to entertain and enlighten our serious film audience.  The traffic of a fully SEO’d movie site is estimated to be 2 million and our team is just started to find their movie following.

light camera action

Build Up Team – Espresso Films

billyLAx has also hired two highly skilled aspiring movie directors, Maxx TEE and CC bel, who are currently putting together their first films.  They also help billy in efforts to commercialize Espresso Film’s movie site as well as developing a series of related independent film websites working in conjunction with the Espresso films site. 

Maxx TEE and CC bel are tied at the hip with billy and Espresso Films.  I say this in a contractual meaning.  The development of their individual film projects and their involvement in the digital marketing of the movie websites are integrated into one film company and one profit center.  billy’s strategy involves bringing into the company top-rated talents such as Maxx TEE and CC bel for further quality development of Espresso Films.

Engaging Social Media-Espresso Films

Each company addition will be carefully selected from the most promising of the new filmmakers with little or no politics made in the selection.  billy selects from pure talent as the first requirement but a close second is the work attitude of the new film professional.

The company is building a massive social media presence in Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapshot, Tic Tok, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.  Our profits come from a large extent, in monetizing our movie website and our social media.   CC bel and Maxx TEE are creating massive horizontal social media networks to take their film careers to new levels and kick their first independent movies off.  billyLAx has his hand’s full coaching all the new young film talent with his 30 years of screenplay writing and digital marketing expertise. 

Design patterns – Espresso Films

Zalak Patel brings her extraordinary talent to the board, designing and developing not only the website and social media but the company’s branding.  The company also has outside contributors to enhance the company’s digital l expertise to thrillingly high levels.  The company’s outside contributors, both domestically, and from non-domestic sources operate as a loyal team under the direction of billy and Zalak.  The company intends to spin its business off into Website SEO and social media development focusing on the film industry.

Espresso Film intends to create expertise in digital marketing of Independent Film and Film Shorts.  We will be the film industry leader in delivering digital data and reporting on independent film to the film-makers we will also be the place to go to get that all-important digital marketing campaign designed and delivered to the Indie producers.



Campaign Strategy

We will create a digital delivery campaign within our website and within the YouTube Vimeo video structures that enhance the exposures of the Independent films and deliver high-quality film marketing data.  Through our social media networks and our dedicated film internet traffic, we can get that perfect blend of film critiques to opine on our Indie customer’s film.  We can also increase the traffic by posting within our rich film social media networks.



The company’s plan is to expand their business further in providing writers to industry. Our first expertise is in two-hour independent screenplay rewrites. The company will place quality screenplay writers onto projects to turn the customer’s existing screenplay into a masterpiece. Our screenplay writers can work independently or in teams and with actors to create that masterpiece screenplay that makes the director look like a consummate film professional. Our network has many graphic artists and storyboard professionals that can turn an excellent screenplay into a visual work of art that can enthuse the customer and his film director. The company also has thousands of Hollywood film professionals within its huge social networks it can call on to achieve any type of filmmaking activity necessary to help its all-important film customers.

The company is not limited to only screenplay writers but can place with its customer’s writers to fit most of their needs. This would include, business plan experts, company strategists, film company branding experts, ghostwriters for book manuscripts, internet content writers, and most any other type of writer. Our networks of writers come from our massive social media presence. The standard way our company develops a relationship with those it recommends is that we first employ them to work on our sites, then recommend those that produce quality work to our clients. Espresso films will work closely with the client as well as with the professional we assign to the work, to assure issues are resolved as soon as possible and quality work is created. Espresso Film’s goal is to develop a network of return customers fulfilling their needs each time.

Espresso Films will also be involved in financing and packaging Independent Films. Our office has connections to the leading independent film financiers, and we will coordinate those films that are where they need to be in packaging with the appropriate financing. There are several film financing mechanisms available and the appropriate selection of the correct one is what Espresso Films is all about. It is necessary for the year 2020 to understand and abide by US law when it comes to the financing of anything including feature films or movie businesses, and Espresso Films takes great care to assure that none of the companies’ employees will be involved in inappropriate film financing.

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