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LeAnne Weber – Hey Indie world… Here’s your new star!

Published: Apr 24, 2022

I remember the first time I saw a live production. I was around 4 years old, and my mom had taken me to my cousin’s dance recital. I remember the moment a few years later when I realized that the characters in movies were people who got to make a living creating magic. And most of all, I remembered the burning desire, on both occasions, to be a part of it. I began my journey very young, starting my first dance classes at the age of 6. From there I went on to participate in several recitals, musicals, and community theatre productions, and modeled for 2 local businesses. I knew that this was my calling.

At 8 years old, I was told for the first time that being an artist isn’t a “real job.” My heart was broken, and for many years, although I continued to participate in the arts, even earning a spot in my high school’s elite traveling choir, I tried to focus on what others expected of me. But a life lived by other people’s standards, people I would most certainly outlive, would be a life poorly spent. Locking away such a fundamental part of myself and restricting it to the designation of “hobby” just wasn’t gonna work. And so, I shut out the voices of negativity and gave myself permission to pursue my passion. That was all it took. I went on to receive my performing arts degree from Wells College, and I’ve been working toward my goals ever since.

I certainly never expected to embark on my post-graduation journey in the midst of a global pandemic. We read about such things in history books like old forgotten fairytales but aren’t really prepared for the reality of living through them. It definitely took me aback a little. But all the heroes we know from histories long gone faced setbacks and trials. We remember them because they overcame. They stood their ground and made a difference.

With this in mind, I set forth again with refreshed vigor. I focused less on what I couldn’t do right now, and more on what I could. In doing so, I rediscovered that the internet is an incredible tool for connecting the world even when distance and travel restrictions present challenges.

Currently, I am learning all I can about how to make the most of digital resources. I am branching out more, exercising my skills in doing what I enjoy, and connecting with others in my chosen industry/field beyond just my local area. I have been building up my modeling portfolio into something I can be very proud of, and transitioning my surroundings for success, going from laptop in a spare room to a home office I adore to the current work-in-progress that is a dual-purpose home office and dedicated filming space I can use anytime I want to film a monologue or demo, or maybe even a short video for social media. In focusing on what I can accomplish and expanding my reach, I have even found this beautiful community of creative souls like me, for which I am very thankful. I have my direction, I know where I’m going, and I am enjoying every step of the journey.

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